Here is a picture of a collage I did a couple months or so ago. I love this collage. Not just because it has my two boys in it; but because of what it represents - that I can produce craft in the midst of chaos. This was done at the kitchen table with a 6 year old who wanted to do the same thing as me. And a 20 month old who wanted to do exactly the opposite. Yet in the place that had once been my kitchen table I was able to create a little piece of art. Well at least start it. I have to be honest and say that it was completed when said 20 month old went down for his 2 hour nap. The other thing that this project taught me was - speed is my friend. I worked quickly, saving myself from over thinking the piece.
Over thinking is what gets me into trouble. Once upon a time when I was designing and selling these cute little frames and my baby/layette clothing, all I did was overthink, over analyze and over exasperate myself. It was all about what was going to sell. Were my reps going to like it. Were the stores going to like it. Were the customers going to like it. My first thought was never....was I going to like it. That's why I am so glad that I have pulled back and gotten back to basics. Although I still find myself thinking in this way, I have been more concious of designing and creating for myself and for the love of it. Not for my reps or stores. Also, moving into an entirely different medium has helped. Creating jewelry has always been about myself and giving as gifts. So it has been easy to change my frame of mind. So onward I go. Creating without thinking....too much anyway....