When I read the topic this week, I thought "they can read my mind". Seriously. The night before I read about the topic, my husband and I were just discussing the hows & whats of my "studio". Currently I am in the dining room, turned office, turned jewelry making/crafting wannabe space. It's not working. After attempting to organize my space for the thousandth time, I finally realized that what I really need is space to work and create. I can organize my space to 10th degree, but if I don't have a space to work, what's the point. I formerly occupied one of the bays of our 4 car garage. It's now being used as a storage space by my husband. He wants to finish what we started 2 years ago when we began to refurbish it as my studio. But the reality is I still need to be in the house where the kids are so that I can squeeze more time in between naps and video watching and such.
The picture above is from Jo Packman's "Where Women Create" (Disclaimer: I have no idea if this is legal for me to be posting these pictures. If you can no longer access my blog after today, it means I am entangled in a nasty copyright battle and you can speak with me through my team of lawyers) Oh ....how I love that book. I still remember they day I received it and how I slowly turned each page drinking in each and every wonderous space. I actually keep it bedside so I can thumb through it and later have sweet dreams of myself creating beautiful baubles and gifts in my perfectly appointed dream studio.
I love this next picture. I love the way space doesn't limit this artist from being creative and creating her art. The profile of this artist spoke directly to my inner procrastinator which is usually saying something like: "when I have the perfect space to create, I will be creative." But that isn't true. Creativity isn't based on the size of your physical space. It's based on your determination to create. So, as lovely as the rooms in the book are, and how I covet each and every one of them, I realize that that beautiful spaces are frosting on the cake of art.