to complete this post. Hopefully. Well, lucky me got this in the mail the other day. This was the prize I won in the share your heART drawing that was happening practically on a global level. Stephanie did this. See all that beading.....WOW. I am going to hang it in my office. Oh, and see the two pieces of chocolate to the left.....Gone. Ate them last night. Yummy, yum, yum. I'm frankly surprised the even lasted that long given the chocolate freak that I am. Also, Lisa at Heart of the Nest is wanting to do a Spring Fling. I'm in!!
Here's a picture of these cool little jars and big canisters that I got at ikea the other day. I put my flowers and glitter letters in them so they can be displayed. Speaking of Ikea.....I love Ikea......I love the way you can be an illiterate doofus and STILL be able to put a coffee table together by yourself. This is genius...GENIUS.
Ok .....DISCLAIMER.....WARNING.....DO NOT GO ANY FURTHER IF YOU LIVE IN THE MIDWEST AND ARE UNDER A DEEP FREEZE........The next pictures are of my son and his friends digging for dinosaur bones in the backyard. It was in the 70's. Yes, the 70's. And Carlos had gotten so hot digging for the T Rex skull that they had found, he had to take his shirt off. (I hate me right now. But if it's any consolation, it was a VERY chilly 47 degrees this morning.) Anyhow..... I love listening to the conversations that happen among a bunch of 6 year olds;
Carlos: I can't believe we found a dinosaur skull. I'll bet it's a T Rex.
Friend: I know. We need to call the news.
Carlos: Yeah. They need to bring their cameras out and film this. And then they will say "we can't believe there was a dinosaur skull in a kid's backyard"
Other Friend: We'll be famous. And rich.
Carlos: I wonder how much money they will give us for this.
Me: (thinking to myself) I'm guessing nothing given that it's a rock. But you keep dreaming kids....keep dreaming....
Ok....confession. Teletubbies have been over for the last 20 minutes and I am half way into Baby Monet.....Time to go....