to know the true story behind this personal hygiene regiment. But, honestly,, when I read this in one of my many magazines to which I subscribe, I actually laughed out loud. Really. I did. Here is the picture and quote in question..........
Now, I am here to say that I do not claim to be any expert in hair removal or proper shaving techniques. But, come on......"cuts my shaving time in half" OMG....I thought I was going to bust a gut while laying in bed reading this. I think it's the whole "in half" part that keeps getting to me. As if we are back to the beginning of the 20th century where you made your own soap and used a straight edged razor while bathing in a tub in the middle of the living room. For the love of modern conveniences, just how long is it taking women to shave!?! I mean, really. EVEN with lathering up, it takes me 5 minutes tops....7 if I'm really taking my time around the corners. Are we really so pressed for time nowadays that 2.5 - 3.5 minutes makes that much of a difference? Am I so haphazard with my shaving that if I were to do it properly AND cut it in half, I would save so much time that I could get the rest of my to do list done by the end of the day? Oh well........ Then again I AM the one who takes a whole day to recover from Chuckee E what do I know?
Anyway.....since I'm on a roll here, can I complain one more time about a certain nationwide arts and crafts store, again? Please? Now, if you read this post, you pretty much know how I feel about this certain store. Since I don't want to get embroiled in any nasty slander & libel lawsuit that would drag on for years hindering my work as a crafter and blogger, we will call this store.......I don't about......."Michelle's" Arts & Crafts. Hmmm. That sounds good. My little tale of complaint is actually just an open letter of suggestion to an employee named "Anita" (maybe the name has been changed....maybe it hasn't) Anyhow....... "Anita" when the manager calls you on the loudspeaker citing a code 3 (which I am to assume would be the equivilent of a "code red" given in a hospital. Translation: get your butt moving.) do not, and, I repeat, DO NOT stand at the end of your aisle while there are 6 people in line and argue with "Sam" (not his real name) over who is to work the register. You see, "Sam" is actually gathering information from the said manager, who just called your name to the other register, for a customer looking for a dry erase board. See, when the manager calls "Anita, code 3", what he means is "Anita". Not "Sam". And, when when you finally realize that there is no getting out of working the register, and you finally start to slooowwwllyyy walk toward the weary and near infuriated customers, do not stop to converse with a customer who just walked in the door and is in need of a complicated and multi leveled explanation of something or other......ok. Could you please take this advice? Because, you and I both know this is NOT the first time this has happened........
Ok. That's it for my complaining.......for today anyway :)