Ugggg.....coughing away over here. But feeling much better than yesterday. I had the luxury of sleeping and resting for most of the day while my mom watched the boys. Sheer Heaven I tell you.......
I hope everyone had a wonderful Easter Day. Ours was wonderful. Good food.......Good friends......Surrounded by family.......Surrounded by chocolate. You just can't ask for much more than that. Especially the surrounded by chocolate part......ha ha ha....just kidding! Ok, I'm not kidding. I love to be surrounded by chocolate!
Here are the boys with their Easter baskets......I have to admit that this Easter was tinged with a bit of melancholy. Carlos is 6, turning 7 in May. This may be the last year of unhinibited, without a doubt, no questions asked, total faith and belief in the Easter Bunny. It's magical. And sad to think that by this time next year, although he may want to believe, he will start questioning certain logistical circumstances. Such as how does a furry creature such as the Easter Bunny get around town without being noticed. And, at least Santa has a sleigh to carry his stuff. How does the Easter Bunny do it. But, for now, I will just revel in the world that is that consists of Easter Bunnies, Santa Claus, Tooth Fairies and a full time maid. Oh wait, the full time maid is me....never mind.
Next up is a picture of the beautiful and I do mean beautiful piece of art I received fron Lizzy for my Spring Swap that Danielle over at the Vintage Dragonfly organized. Just look at this.....
Is this just not wonderful? I have it sitting on my new book shelf. I love it Lizzy...just love it!
Here is what I did for my swap partner......If your name is Angie, please stop reading now!!! Tha swap was a 4 x 4 Spring Theme Challenge. Being the rebel that I am, I used a 4 x 5 canvas. It was so much fun working on that little thing. I just hope I'm not going to be blacklisted from future swaps for not following the rules though.........
If you look very closely, some of the background paper is from a vintage wallpaper packet I got from Heather Bullard over at PresentPast. Beautiful paper.
And speaking of beautiful paper just look at the DEAL OF THE CENTURY I got at Target the other day......
Two packs of 12 x 12 paper and the mats for under 15.00 bucks! I mean come on! Where else are you going to find a score like this! I just love this paper...too cute. It's foof a la which I believe is designed by the uber talented Teresa McFayden. Thank you for bringing it to the masses!!!
Here's just a couple other things I've been working on..........Next up.....My new studio! Yay!
Heather does that bottom banner look familiar? I used your idea from your beautiful egg!
Some tags I made. I actually just bought one of those tag punches. No more cutting for me!
I made this heart for a swap with Heather at Speckled Egg. Hopefully it should be in her hands by now!