The sweet and wonderful Karla from Sugar Bear Designs gives her a Thinking Blogger Award
and she drops dead from excitement and shock. Otherwise, what else would explain the sudden silence from the normally chatty creative chaos? I mean........because, come on, we all remember what happened to her when she went to Chucke E Cheese on a Friday night. That event alone set her back for weeks........
Well, folks I've relapsed. Or, more likely, I never got better in the first place and just got sicker. I transgressed into horrible coughing fits on late afternoon Saturday and into the night. Only to wake up to coughing this morning. Soon after, I went back to bed to sleep most of the day away.......getting up only once from the sound of electric saws, hammers and drills. I stumbled out to the backyard to see a man resembling my husband and two boys who looked like my sons building a two story fort complete with a slide. I went back to bed without saying a word thinking that matters like this are better handled when not under the influence of cold medication.
ANYWAY, prior to relapsing into complete sickness, I did manage to check my emails on Saturday afternoon and Karla *aka* Sugar Bear gave me an award for Thinking....or, making people think, or something pretty cool like that. Now, I have to say, given the fact that I am barely coherent half the time when I post due to arguing children, lack of sleep or simply anguishing over the fact that my son thinks I personally knew Fred Flinstone (note to myself to buy hair color and facial peel at Target tomorrow), I am so glad that I can make people think. I mean.....If I am unable to think at this stage of my life, at least I can have the pleasure of knowing that I at least make others think! Thanks so much Karla!!!! Like, I said I am just glad that someone other than my friend Gail, mom and sister stop by to read my silly little blog. And, with my friend Gail, I usually have to threaten her in some way shape or form.
So, without further ado (OK.... just a little more ado....this was actually very tough to post just 5 as I could have gone on with at least 25; but I will show a bit of restraint.) here are 5 that I would like to pass the award on to.......
Christiane at Seeing Red......because she cracks me up! She has a great sense of humor, a wry way of writing and is very nice to boot! I love checking out her blog and seeing a new post pop up! Since getting to know her, I have a feeling she's the kind of person that I just know I'd have a blast hanging out with and talking to!!
MizSmoochie Lips.....because, once again, she cracks me up! Case in her 34th birthday post. Can I just say I wish I was there! (I mean without the coughing, hacking or sickness) Not to mention every stinkin' time I log on to that blog of hers, it's different. Poof...just like that it's changed. I know it's coming...but I see that monkey kiss face and laugh!
Elizabeth at Dream be Play ..... She is the kind of artist that challenges me in every way. Her style is completely different than mine. Yet, I am drawn to her use of colors, style and freedom in art. I love her writing and how she describes her art and her life. Plus, she is just one of the nicest blogger out there. She along with her sister Jill were one of the very first people to visit and comment when I did my blog giveaway. I will always remember that!
Linda Harre at Studio Stuff ......She is the artist I want to be when I grow up! I love her style, I love how she writes about her family, I love her love of the work. I am always peeking in on her blog to see what new inspiring words and creations she has up her sleeve!
Heather at Bluhm Studio ......Besides, being a talented artist and really nice person, I love her honesty. I love the way she talks about her life, her art, and what's going on around her with a complete sense of self. I love reading her blog for what new things she has created as well as what has inspired her.
Kari at Artsymama .......She amazes me with her talent, kindness and all her beautiful creations. She takes the time on her blog to explain her creative process as well as encourage others to create via swaps and sharing. She is an amazing generous blogger who takes the time to reach out to other bloggers and artist. I love checking out her site to see what new thing she is up to. And (and this is big) she does this all with two little ones underfoot....I tell ya, I am very tempted to hate her for this, but I like her far too much to let this get in the way ;)
Michelle Geller at Hold Dear.... She is funny....witty....nice...kind.....And, most of all, no one ( and I mean no one) can tell a cat in the tree story better than Michelle! She is the type of person that I imagine from reading her blog and corresponding that if I were to meet her it would feel like we have always known each other. ( well, at least, I would feel that way! Hopefully, she wouldn't just think I'm some nutjob!) Anyway I love to peek in and see what she has created or what her cat has been up to!
And one extra....Heather at Jeweled Elegance.....technically Heather doesn't write much personal stuff on her blog. But I have gotten to get to know her through emails and such and she is one of the nicest people around. Not to mention a wonderfully talented jewelry designer.
So, even though I could keep going on and on with this list (no! you go on and on Karin! no, not you!) I will leave it at these 6 folks. There are SO many wonderful bloggers out there that I have had the privilege of not only reading their blog, BUT getting to know. I feel very lucky to be a part of a talented, inspiring, creative community. I started my blog as a way to force me to write more as well as be inspired to create. Blogging has far exceeded my expectations.