I say that because today is Wednesday, a half day at Carlos' school and I come home with two additional children. I watch my best friend's kids. It works out great because Carlos and Andres get to play all afternoon with Christian and Natalie. My afternoon is filled with feeding and supplying drinks to hungry and thirsty children while breaking up all kinds of skirmishes and potential fights over toys. One of the things I love to do is just listen to their conversations amongst themselves. My all time favorite is the "NATALIE....I am NEVER.....EVER......ever.....EVER going to play with you for the rest of my life!!!!!" Literally two minutes after telling Carlos to come inside and calm down, he walks up to me and asks "Can I please go outside and play with Natalie?" I'm guessing the "rest of his life" definition means until he's bored or two minutes....whichever comes first.
One other time, I was in the kitchen making lunch when I hear the familiar schreeching of "CHRISTIAN.....I am soooooooooo telling on you! That's it! You are in big trouble mister" (I'll give you one guess where he picked up the phrase "big trouble mister") Anyway, I put down my peanut butter laden knife and determine whether my diciplinary presence was needed. Then I hear "Moooooooommmmmmmmmyyyyyyy! Christian blah, blah ,blah, blah" (I added the blah, blah, blah as I have absolutly no recollection of whatever ridiculous thing was being argued) I cut him off at the chase and loudly stated (ok, maybe yelled) "that if they were unable to get along and play nicely they were to stay away from each other and play by themselves or Natalie." To which Carlos replied "that's no fair!!!! I want to play with Christian. He's my bestest friend" (However, apparently not so bestest that he was willing to sell him down the river to me a minute ago) I said "Hey, if you two can't get along then there is no need for you to speak or play with each othe." Carlos responded "Mommmmmmyyyyyy why did you even come out here in the first place? We were getting along PERFECTLY FINE with out you!"
Anyway, I finally got some crafting done!! The crown above and directly below were made for Carlos' two teachers for Teacher Appreciation week.
One of the two crowns below is for my sister Amy whose birthday is on Saturday. And the other is for a Ms Smoochie who was a beggin' for a tutorial but honestly it's so much easier to send her one.
Here are some crowns in progress.......
Now this cupcake crown I didn't make it was created by Amanda at Hodgepodge by Amanda. I visit her blog all the time and love all her cupcake related art. When I say this I just fell in love. It is sooooo creative and cute! I knew I was going to be posting a bunch of pictures of crowns and asked her if I could show hers off as well....Love, love love it!
Below is the bracelet I made and sent to my sister along with the crown.......
Here it is wrapped and ready to go.......
Below is the box I made for Carlos' teacher for all the kid's card for Teacher Appreciation Week......
Here are some work in progress. The one on the right is for a friend at Carlos' school who took over a project while I was sick. I'm not sure where these two project are heading but it will be fun to see.