I was making a crown for my friend's 2 year old's birthday party yesterday, when I realized that I completely forgot a step! It's the tulle on the top of the crown. Frankly, I think it's one of the most important parts of the crown. It's really pretty simple to do......Take the tulle from a 6" roll of tulle and either double fold and make a bow or just double bow it. Fluff out the bows and then hot glue to the top. I then add a little fabric flower to the center. Again, you could add anything you like. So sorry about forgetting that part! I hate to think there are a bunch of tulleless crowns running around town!
Also,here's a picture of me in case you're wondering who is responsible for all the "chaos" on my blog. Carlos wanted to take a picture of me yesterday when I was taking pictures of the crown. It also shows off my way too expensive haircut......But I'm beholden to this hairdresser as it is the best cut I have ever had. And anyone with short thick hair like mine knows that a bad haircut is like a helmet on your head. Unfortunately, Carlos wasn't as thrilled with it as I was. I came home with it styled differently (they just love to blow it down and toward my face instead of away). He kept saying I wasn't mommy. He asked me for a juice box and said "um, person I don't know....can I have a juice box." After I gave it to him he said "thank you stranger." It really bothered him that I looked so different. On Saturday after I styled it in my usual way he said, "oh good. You're back mommy!" Kids are so funny about changes. Well at least my kid is!
Ok everyone, I'm off to take Andres on a trolley ride and then get organized for our vacation on Friday. So grab your tulle and glue guns and finish those crowns........
Oh, and to everyone who has commented on the "I made a Promise" post I am going to put your name in a hat and pick out a couple names for tags made with the vintage wallpaper! It's still not to late to comment either. I'll probably pick a name on Wednesday....... So stay tuned!
See you later!