That's right. I made myself a little glitter station where I can glitter anything on a moment's notice. I can now literally wake up in the middle of the night and glitter an object in my sleep if I wanted. I can glitter while talking on the phone. I can glitter instead of washing dishes....If someone comes running into my house with an immediate need to glitter something....I've got them covered! ahhhh...I love life. Anyway, here's a picture of my new area.
I got this idea a long time ago from a picture I saw of Wendy Addison's studio where she had this huge vat of glitter. So, what I did was scaled it down to a little dish....and..... Viola! A glitter station of my very own. It's perfect because I don't have to fool with having to put the glitter back in it's container and the inevitable major clean up. No fuss....No muss. Well...a little fuss and muss if I use a different color. But I have a feeling you will be seeing A LOT of white glitter in my work from now on!
So this is my 99th post.....99th!!!!! I was thinking of all these fun things to do for my hundredth post......Like......Inviting everyone over to my house for a big barbeque party. However, I think logistically that would be a nightmare......So I will keep thinking of something fun!
Here's a few things I've been working on.....
This is a crown for a friend's daughter. I am really happy with how it turned out. Can I just say how much I love Karen Russell's Narrative collection! I LOVE it! I used it for the base of the crown. I also have a bunch more that I am just itching to use.
Here's another one that I made for my neighbors daughter using just Tres Jolie. I feel like I cheated doing this one. How much easier can it get using all Tres Jolie designs. But, I really wanted to put it together quick and easy without too much thinking on my part.....It practically put itself together. Not one of my favorites. But it will work.
Here's one in progress..... I'm liking where this is going.....
Where it will eventually go...I have no idea. But so far so good.
In progress tags that will eventually find there way to Etsy one day......
Oh....I also wanted to show you some before and after pictures of my studio. Except when I went back to look at them and pick out the pictures, I couldn't tell the difference between the two. My "after" wasn't so "after" afterall. Here's a couple pics.....
Now I know exactly what you're thinking......"Karin. We see absolutely no difference between the "before" and "after". I know. But, there are differences. You just need to look closely. It's a bit like playing "Where's Waldo". They're there. They're subtle....but they are there. The biggest being that you can actually see portions of the surface of the desk. That's a huge one. The funny thing is, if I were to take a photo of my "now" desk it would look exactly like my "before" picture. Why I waste my time I have no idea......other than I have to find hidden things like my scissors and glue......
Well that's it for now. I'll talk to you soon! Karin