So I'm reading through this magazine that was delivered to me by accident. I never ordered it. But for some reason it thinks I subscribe to it. It's called "All You". It was pretty standard fare with the usual recipes, helpful hints and 100 ways to be organized in a disorganized world, until I came across my horoscope. I have to say I was a bit intrigued by it. Sounds pretty good doesn't it? I'm actually counting the days until October. I'm really hoping it speakth the truth. Because if it does, it looks like October is going to be one bang up month. Maybe I was joking about the yacht and Chanel sunglasses......and, yet there I am in October, sipping appletini's, getting a massage on deck and having my "boat boy" named Sven write my posts for me.........stranger things have happened......
But, it also got me thinking about horoscopes in general. Like, how you really never see any that veer off the path of being positive. Of course, they all differ based on the demographics of the magazine (for instance, I'm STILL waiting for that dark sexy mystery man in the produce section of my grocery store with whom I am supposed to share a sexy interlude...... based on the reading of my niece's Cosmopolitan magazine back in May ....waiting....waiting....waiting patiently every week in the lettuce section) Anyway, it's not like you ever read anything like "your life is going to suck this month. Don't even bother getting out of bed." or, something to the effect of "You may want to reconsider crossing any bridges or walking across busy intersections on the 4th through the 27th." So, I am hesitant to take great stock in my awesome horoscope as it stands. But, then again, it did say pessimism is my downfall. And to be technical it called it my "insidious attitude". Which frankly is veering a bit on the rude side....... So who knows......I'm going to try very hard to stay positive and see what great things await me in October! Appletini anyone?
Oh.....and after this post I only have two more posts until my hundredth post. I was hoping that it would coordinate with my One Year Blogiversery. But that would mean I need to stretch 2 posts out over the next three months......and I have just way to much to say to contain myself to just 2 posts. So I am thinking of something fun to do. So stay tuned and I will let you know! Talk to you soon!