I've been going in quite a few directions lately. One is in the usual direction of being a mom......another is going by way of my art & craft......the other is the ever looming path of insanity..... and, lastly, this direction......
I am studying to get my teacher's credential. It's something that I have wanted to do for quite some time. With Andres getting older, and my mom retiring after the first of the year (so she can watch Andres) the timing is perfect. I'm going to start subbing after the first of the year and start my classes. In the meantime, I've been studying for the CSET. It's a test all teachers to be in California must take, and, most importantly, pass. I'm already in trouble....I haven't been in school since 1991 when I received my BA (unless of course you count comedy traffic school) and this whole studying business is new to me. Last night, Cosme took the boys so I could "hit the books." Here's how it went......
6:30 pm: All children and husband leave. It is just me, my books and a quiet house. I'm ready to study.
6:31: Open book with earnest. Find perfect pen in which to write important notes. Arrange papers in front of me. Decide at that moment that I need to finish Christmas gift tags. It's imperative that I finish them..........for some reason.
6:40: Open book, again. Get mad at myself for not paying better attention in English Lit. Wish for sudden miracle to bequest me with knowledge of poetry. Go to refrigerator to get chocolate.
6:45: Decide that I need a yellow highlighter. The yellow highlighter pictured with my assistant two posts below. The yellow highlighter I haven't seen since that day...... The yellow highlighter that I know will be the key factor between passing and not passing. Make mental note to suspend all goldfish and juicebox breaks for assistant.
6:50: Sit down to really, really get back to business. Determine that I need to look at my Etsy store to see if there was a mad rush on Christmas gift tags and collages that needed to be mailed out overnight express rush..........None.........back to the book.
6:55: Wonder if I'll get invited to any frat parties or get asked to rush a soroity. And, if so, what will I wear? Make mental check to update entire wardrobe this weekend and dye gray hair.
7:00: Where is that highlighter?!? .........Get up to get more chocolate and decide what I need is a calming, focusing cup of tea. Look in cupboard for mind focusing green tea. None. Make cup of coffee.
7:10: Sit down with cup of coffee and look at fingerprints on refrigerator. Ask myself how in the world I have been living this way for so long with these fingerprints all over. There is no way I can study with that kind of distraction. Get up and wipe it down......along with the stove and the toaster.
7:20: Hmmmmm....toast.....that sounds good.
7:30: Sit down with toast and more chocolate. Spread out all notes from last night's class. Organize them in a purposeful fashion. Stack them. Spread them out again. Decide that maybe what I need is an embellished note binder to hold all these important papers. Jot down note to pick up binder tomorrow at Office Depot. Go into craft room to look at vintage wallpapers that look studious yet fun.
7:40: Can not get the song "Boo Boo Choo Choo" from Thomas the Train out of my head.
7:50: "Hi Mommy! Were home! Did you miss us!?!?" Sigh deeply and think how fast time flies when your head is buried in the books. Close book and decide that's enough studying for tonight........
Here are some new things for Etsy!