Well, I guess that sounded weird.....like the Valentine's are leftover ham and green bean casserole from Christmas. What I really mean is leftover Valentine's from last year. I wanted to be able to post something other than distraught children pining away for their friends. But haven't had a chance to start on any of my pending projects. I am dying to sit down and do some crafting. So I thought I would just intersperse some "has been" Valentine's in with my updated resolution list to add a little "punch" to the blog (I had to use the word "punch" being as I heard it no less that 5 times within this week while watching various hgtv shows....I promise never to use it and "juxtaposition" again)
I've also added little notes to update the original list (which you can read *here*) for what was actually accomplished, or, more likely, not accomplished. Those will be marked with a little star *. However, being the positive thinker I am....There's always next year.....
So, anyhow, here is my resolution list from last year. I realized that I didn't include some very crucial resolutions in it. So I wrote them in just so I could cross them off. Do you ever do that with your to-do list. Get something over and done with....yet write it on the list, or, better yet, specifically make a list where one never existed just so you can cross it off? Well I do.....I love the feeling of accomplishment.
Revised 2007 Resolution List
1. Get organized (circa. 1996)....... 2008 update - The jury's still out on this one. Although, I do think I have made strides in this area. One thing I've learned though, no matter how organized your setup, it doesn't make one whit of difference unless you follow through on the plan. Hypothetically speaking, for example, you can have the best filing system in town. However, if the papers never move from the 2 foot high pile on your desk, the cute little colored file folders you paid too much for are useless.....hypothetically speaking, of course.
2. Stop procrastinating (circa. 1970).........2008 update - I really think I have made considerable progress in this area. Although I still have quite a way to go. I think finding there is a much bigger payoff to just getting things done on time, verses, pushing it off, has helped me go in the right direction.
3. Watch less tv (circa. invention of HGTV)........2008 update - It's never going to happen. Permanently taking it off the list this year.
4. Learn Spanish (circa. Meeting of Spanish speaking husband 17 years ago)....... 2008 update - Nada. But since I am going to be teaching, I am much more motivated to stick with it
5. Get more exercise (circa. birth of children)...... 2008 update - Ok. Let's first "define" exercise......
6. Return calls promptly (circa. invention of answering machines)....... 2008 update - Somethings are just never meant to be. However, this will remain on the list, as you never know when a miracle will come your way.
7. Stick to New Year's resolutions (circa. first year I started writing them.).......2008 update - I'm beginning to realize the whole issue of "resolutions" needs to be reevaluated in my opinion.
**8. Do something creative everyday........ 2008 update - YES!! I did it!!! Maybe it wasn't everyday. But over the past year I am very happy with the progress that I have made. I feel more creative than ever and have my art work to show for it.
**9. Continue writing my blog on a weekly basis......2008 update - I stuck with it! I thought maybe the novelty of writing a blog would wear out the first few months. But what I discovered was every time I wrote a post, it just fueled my desire to write more. That and the unexpected friendships I have made along the way have made it even better than I expected.
So, here's looking forward a creative filled 2008!! I'm looking forward to seeing what the year holds!!