and to my surprise and delight Motivation joined me for the ride home. And thank goodness for that. Because, let me tell you there was a a lot of catching up to do when I got home. Not to mention it was good company compared to the two companions I had in the backseat.....Andres slept almost the entire way home and Carlos was distraught over the fact that we had to leave a day early due to the "Storm of 2008" bearing down on the southern region of California. So my entire ride was punctuated with sobbing phrases such as...."Whhhhhhhhhhyyyyyyyy did we have to leave Sean's house today"......."Life is better with Sean"....."Why can't we move up there?? Pappa can find a new job." ......."It's not fair"........ And, I said "Not Fair? I'll tell you what not fair is! Not fair is mommy not getting to go take a picture with Judge Judy's gavel because they are on hiatus and the stage is totally locked up! And, don't even get me going on the fact that Auntie Gail gave away the box of See's Candies to the neighbor and refused to go get it back when I asked her to. So, don't even talk to me about not fair buddy!" Of course, I didn't really say that to him. But, I thought it......
(two very sad boys getting ready to go)
Of course, this was all on the heels of me shooting Sean and Carlos's big plan down in flames. The morning we were leaving he proposed this idea to me as I stepped out of the shower ....."I know, mommy. You and Andres can go home and I will stay here with Sean at Auntie Gail's." To which I replied "As well thought out as that plan sounds honey, I'm concerned as to how you would get home." He responded..."I'll just go to school with Sean." And then I said "Sure! Sounds like you two have it all figured out! Just let me know how much I owe for tuition" Actually, I said "No." Of course this resulted in Carlos running back to tell Sean the devasting and completely surprising news which resulted in tears all around for both of them. Gail later told me that she overheard them discussing how he would be able to go to school with Sean. And how Sean would let him borrow one of his uniforms. Those two kill me.....
(one happy boy getting ready to go)
Anyway, we had a great time. Fun was had by the kids. Resolutions were made by Gail and me. Lot's of eating and talking. We got to watch a bunch of oscar nominated movies on dvd because Jeff votes. Saw Michael Clayton....two thumbs up. And, best of all, motivation hitched a ride on the way home. I couldn't have asked for more except maybe getting to go to Judge Judy with Jeff and eating that box of See's candy. But it looks like I'm just going to go back at the end of the month or Febuary on a taping week and just spend the day with Jeff. That way I can go see a taping and go get my pictures. Now that my mom is retired I can go up and do this sans kids. If any of you Southern Cal gals are interested in going to see a taping, just let me know and I will see whats available from Jeff.
So like I said....Thank the stars above that Motivation decided to return from his hiatus because this is what I returned to.....
Frankly, I don't remember leaving it this way. Really, I don't. I somewhat suspect my husband was in there while I was gone whipping up some snowflake ornaments and tussie mussies. He denies it. However, I still have my doubts. It was all to much to deal with upon first returning home. Kind of like sifting through the rubble after a tornado. I walked in and then walked out. I decided to turn my attention to something more realistic........The Christmas decorations.
And so it goes every year when I put them quest to have all my Christmas ornaments completely organized, indexed and dewey decimaled for next year's events. It always starts the same with the all comsuming task of just exactly how I'm going to organize it. Although it may look like I'm simply sitting on the couch drinking a cup of coffee while watching the morning news, I'm really figuring out the most sensible way to put away the items for the most effecient decorating experience next year. Should I put all tree and bough related decorations away together or should I do it by the way I decorate...... Should I put the ornaments away by color, year or memory factor? Should I buy those cute light stringing gadgets or should I roll them on paper towel holders that I was supposed to be saving throughout the year but neglected to do so.......Should I run out to Costo to buy industrial sized papertowels in order to use the rolls......Decisions, decisions, decisions.......
So I start wrapping every ornament lovingly and carefully getting meloncholy over each memory it holds. And then after about 2 1/2 hours I've had just about enough and just start throwing things into the plastic boxes with no concern that Bumble from the Island of Misfits is in a box with Christmas candles......I don't care that the lights are a tangled mess.....just get it all up to the attic where I don't have to see it. What the heck....I've always have next year to start being perfect.....
Let's bring on Valentine's Day!!!!