and the neverending paralyzing fear of losing all my pictures on the computer. Those items will basically comprise this post. First up.....The always fun Teresa McFayden and Winter Bella. I decided to do her class of projects to inspire and motivate me. Well, as of 2 days ago, three weeks of tutorials have been presented and I have completed not a one of them. Zip. Zero. Nada. So, I thought, this is totally and completely ridiculous as usual and was determined to start on at least one of the projects. Guess what....I did it!!! Woo hoo.......Here it is...
The project was based on taking a Bingo card and making a sort of self-reflection piece of art. I, unlike Teresa who has the ability to show an amazing amount of artistic restraint, went crazy with this project once I got started. Luckily, I had the right size Bingo card for the project. Once I got that and all my supplies in order, I got started on the challenge. Which leads to me to the lost scissors part....Am I the only one who has about 7 pairs of scissors, but midway through a project I then has one pair left that keeps getting misplaced under a pile of scrap paper? Is it just me people? I swear I lose more time looking for those scissors than anything else.
Ok, back to the project..... First, she wanted us to use a picture of ourselves in the piece. Hmmmm....not in the mood for a picture of myself. So, I thought maybe I would use the boys pictures. They always provide good photo ops..Plus they're way cuter than I am....Hmmmm....that's kind of getting away from the theme of "SELF Reflection" so I just nixed the whole idea of the picture all together. Now she wanted us to use words that related to us and the picture...hmmmm...not using a picture...what to say...what to say. I know. I will use words to create a challenge for me for the year.
Define My Dream to Create
Meaning, I know that I want to be creative. But, where do I want to go with it. I feel like I really can't go anywhere until I have some sort of semblence of an idea what it is I want to do and where it is I want to go. What do I want to do with my love of being creative? That is the thing I need to explore this year.
Luckily, on Friday when my husband came home from work, I was free to do my own thing that evening as he took over the evening shift at 'Chaos General Hospital' in the Cold & Flu Ward. He suggested that I should go out and get out of the house for awhile. I felt that I should clean the very messy trail of random items that had been scattered about the house over the past two days. He wouldn't let me. I insisted. He said to leave and go out for awhile. I said "you got it." However, I realized as much as I wanted to go to the bookstore and stock up on all the new magazines, I really had to consider the fact that I didn't want to scare anyone with my "I've been in the house all day with two sick kids" face and hair (which, as any mom who has been in a house for two days straight with snot nosed, coughing and sneezing kids knows exactly what I mean. I was thinking my hair alone could cause major pandemonium in the Border's magazine aisle) and, really, the bottom line was...I didn't want to get out of my pajama' I stayed in my craft space for the evening. I even managed to squeak out another one of the projects.....
We were to use glass jars to embellish. She did hers in a beautifully simple understated way. I, once again, blantantly disregarded all "less is more" hints from her and glittered and pom pom'd my way to crafting happiness. See...part of the problem is I just don't know when to stop. Kinda like in the early 80's when I could never get enough purple eyeshadow or flourescent accessories.
So there it is. Some crafting done over the weekend. Hopefully, it's a sign of things to come. Although, first things first. I HAVE to start taking all my pictures off the computer and put them on cd's. I have nightmares about the computer crashing and I lose almost 4 years of pictorial history. And no one wants to be around when that happens......You'd find me holding the motherboard while pleading and crying "for the love of rewritable cd's....I'm begging you....give me a second chance!"
So since NONE of us want to witness that meltdown, this is my goal for the week. Talk to you soon! Karin