because there just doesn't seem time for anything else. For example this post was to be written over the weekend. I feel as though I'm still catching up from being sick. The main problem is the exhaustion that comes at the end of the day. I feel like I can take on the day upon waking up. And then around 3:00 I'm so tired I could crawl in bed.
Here's how my day usually goes since being sick:
7:00: Wake-up. Plan the day.....I'm going to write that super witty blog post containing tons of pictures of crafty goodness I create throughout the day while simultaneously entertaining my children with fun and wholesome activities inspiring warm memories for when they are adults...... Clean bathroom and possibly paint sink cupboard.....go grocery shopping for delectable recipe for dinner that will garner applause from thankful ten foot pile of laundry so son does not have to wear mismatched socks to school......hope and pray said son doesn't realize that's it's not "crazy sock day" like mommy promised while she puts on one white and one black sock on said son's feet........learn spanish.......write heartfelt responses to all blog friends who have commented and emailed me, profusing my undying gratitude that they still come by and read my boring blog........start the boys' creative and inspiring journal .......unload dishwasher........
10:00: Cross off half of the items on the list.....
11:00: Cross off other half.......
12:00: Decide that wholesome activities are highly overrated and not enough attention is given to how Thomas the Train videos can save one's sanity.....
1:00: Conclude trip to the grocery store unneccesary as macaroni and cheese will get wild applause and tears of joy from children......
2:00: Wonder if "crazy sock day" will go over again tomorrow......
3:00: Hear voices from the pillow in the bedroom calling my name.....
5:00: Start countdown to bed time......
6:00: Wonder if anyone would notice if I set the clocks ahead another hour.....
8:00: ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ...............
So I decided in order to perk things up a bit here at the Chaos Blog I would do a "Spring into Action" giveaway......
I'm going to giveaway two pairs of earrings and some gifts tags that I made extra for the Hippity Hop Swap.
I really had fun doing the earrings for the swap and did a couple extra pairs. Just leave a comment on this post and spread the word....the more the merrier. I think I'll pick the names on the first day of Spring. Hopefully this will "spring" me into action..........Talk to you soon! Karin