And, WOW....can I totally and completely relate to their lives!!!! It's uncanny. It's as if they took my life and filmed it. Well, sort of....well, kind of.....well, not at all......
Disclaimer: The next paragraph is for all my reality show loving friends out there. I talk about crafts lower in the blog post! .......Well it looks like those wacky producers over at Bravo drove the crazy bus straight from the gated community over in Orange County to the Big Apple and gathered themselves up another batch of nut job women who would love for us to believe that we are extremely envious of their life....and style...and class and whatever else they seem to think they possess. Although, apparently there IS one thing money can't buy........and that is the proper use of the English language. One of the gals who was extolling the virtues of a young face and body said "if you work at it, you can appear younger than your cronical age." I swear I rewound it three times to make sure that's what she really said. Also, cracks me up that her 12 year old daughter is the most mature member of the entire cast......
Anyway...... on to crafting and the "Hippity Hop Swap" that I renamed to the "Just in the Nick of Time Swap"
I had big plans....Big Plans for this swap. I got off to a great start.....and then got sick. An entire week that I was supposed to be working on and finishing up my project came to a crashing and sniffling halt. So I had to rework my entire blueprint so that I could get these things out the door.
There was NO WAY I was going to be the one who is responsible for bring the entire Hippity Hop Swap to its knees. Everyone would blame post sullying my name would crop up everywhere....Heather would bar me and my children from all future swaps......I would have to go underground and create a whole new blog persona just to participate in swaps again..... So I thought it would just be easier for me and everyone involved to just do earrings. I know that it isn't anything remotely related to Easter, but I did try to use "Springy" colors. And, Heather's pair has a rose quartz bead that's shaped like an there.
I used Swarovski crystal and sterling silver for all the earrings. I really, really had fun doing this. I have tons of beading and jewelry stuff that I had set aside to to paper crafting. So it was really fun to pull out all my findings and pliers. I hope everyone likes their earrings!!
Here they are before I sent them out the door.....
Also, here's a little fun thing that I did for my Grandma. I used one of those acrylic photo holders and did sort of a pseudo scrapbook page with it. It's so easy...and such a great way to present pictures.
Talk to you soon! Karin