Phew....... I'm back. First things first. So excited to tell you that I was right on target with my prediction. Heather was not a "Jed"....... not even close. The minute I met her it was like meeting up with an old friend. We met up at a Chuck E Cheese so the kids wouldn't be bored out of their minds while giving us a chance to chat. We threw some pizza and tokens at them and then let them loose....Carlos and Hannah sped off to play Jungle Rama and the helicopter ride while Andres was content to talk on the Chuck E. phone making all sorts of demands on upgrades to the restaurant and the eventual removal of the scary rat statue. So, in between the dispensing of tokens, buying cotton candy, and rescuing little people out of jungle gym tubes that were not meant for 40 year-old bodies to fit, Heather and I got to talk, laugh and chat. It was so great to get to meet her after almost two years of emails, blog posts and swaps. She is as nice and funny in person as she is on-line. And, best of all, she shares my love of being snarky. It was a great day and I'm so glad we got a chance to meet.
Ok, your still not convinced that it wasn't Jed Here, I have proof for all you naysayers......
There.......Jed wouldn't have such cute legs, not to mention, wear snappy little red sandals like that.........
Oh, all you go...... Here's where she was ready to smack me because I kept calling her Jed......
But then we made up.........and, she said she wouldn't put the restraining order back on me......
Yeah..... Cheese....whatever.....
Carlos is showing Hannah the finer points of motorcycle racing while trying to convince her that his "Lego Driver's License" is valid on California streets.......
While driving as fast as he can, Andres glances back to see if the big scary rat is chasing him. In the meantime, it's obvious his passengers are clueless of their certain demise from large furry creatures........
The CEO of Tomfoolery takes on Hannah in a "sit on the edge of your seat" skeeball competition. Unfortunately, all his skee balls were thrown haphazardly into the lanes next to him, behind him and in the kitchen, resulting in a negative 54,000 point loss for him. Undeterred, he challenged her to another game next year where he said he would come better prepared.......
Like I said, it was a ton of fun and I can't wait to do it again!
Our one hour flight up to my niece's graduation took 4 hours due to delays. Between mechanical problems and overdue flight, they finally just said "what the heck" let's let the kid fly the plane........
"Oh yeah, baby.....Let's put this Lego Driver's License to work........"
So, just before I left, I receive this from Jen Duncan........
I didn't even have time to look all the way through it prior to departure.
Well....let me tell you what was in it........This big huge piece of my favorite wallpaper.......aaaaaccccckkkkk..... Not to mention all of this.......
She thinks I'm a nutball.....a fun kind of nutball.....but a nutball nonetheless, for ordering all this wallpaper. But, there is a method behind the madness believe it or not. The more I have, the less inhibited I am when I create. Now, I've come a long way from becoming frozen with fear in cutting up my meager collection of wallpaper. But, I'm still at the point where if I feel like I don't have enough of the paper I love, I won't be as inclined to use it. I want to "save" it. For what, I have no idea.....but I guess that's the point. The paper should be used and not saved. So goes the conundrum and the buying of more paper. Check out Jen's shop . Although, she doesn't have any more wallpaper packs left, She has a bunch of ephemera and other paper that is perfect to use in your work. If you are looking specifically for wallpaper, check out Donna or Heather. They both have some beautiful paper packs.
Ok.....I now have to get ready for my sister and niece who are coming into town. Busy week of Legoland, San Diego Fair, Seaworld and beach ahead of me. I think I need a nap.
Talk to you soon! Karin