How do you like my new banner? Yes, I know, it's no Bluhm Studio banner but it will have to do for now until I can weasel my way up her ever growing waiting list. I'm sending candy and flowers to her today hoping I can get bumped up to maybe 45 or possibly 39 on the list.....we'll see.
So, anyway, because I have nothing better to do as I watch four kids during the day, I decided to work on a new banner. Let me backtrack a bit......the other night I figured out that I could change my theme around on my Etsy Cottage page....well, that turned into all sorts of time wasting fun....THEN in my pursuit of trying to do some sort of design thing on my lame "picture it" photo editor, I figured out how to mix pictures around.....So, that of course resulted in many more hours of time wasting which then produced my new banner.
So in between pretending I'm some sort of digital designer extraordanaire, I managed to work on another page in my journal. Actually I did about four pages but this is the only one I finished. I actually did some writing on it.....
And then I added some words to the bottom of my first page......
What do I do with all the kids you ask while I'm fooling around with my art? Well let me show you...........
I take the screen out of the kitchen window and turn it into a fast food drive thru.......keeps them entertained forever.......
Here's a complicated customer in his pajamas and underwear who is unsure of his choices holding up the entire line while he decides between chocolate milk and a juice box........
He finally decided on chocolate milk..........
The other secret.....three words......dirt patch, water, mud......well actually that's four. But what it equals is ingredients for a secret potion that keeps them entertained endlessly.....well at least until I can get a journal page done.....
We're off to the playground today and to buy some playdough.....Talk to you soon! Karin