I can not tell you how much all your comments and emails mean to me. I feel so bad that I can't get back to everyone.....but please know that with every single comment and emails I read, I feel blessed to the very core of my soul.
Since I have some time to myself this morning I thought I would catch you up on some things that have happened here recently. I had a surprise guest show up at my door via Jessie.........
Oh yeah!..... The Count is in the house. He even brought along two of his good friends to join the party.....
Where's the other friend you ask? Well, unfortunately he was unable to make it into the picture. Due to foreseen circumstances, he was immediately eaten by an 8 year old and his mother.......Thanks Jessie from the bottom of our chocolate filled hearts!!!!
I also wanted to show you that everything still remains the same here in the chaos studio as I try to get ready for my art and craft show.......
As usual I have approximately 3 square inches left on my floor in which to work. Everything is in a state of half-doneness. I have about 2 1/2 weeks to hopefully get at least one thing into a state of whole doneness. I figure if worse comes to worse, I will just attempt to sell one of my ornaments for $300 dollars so I can make up for my table cost and time. I figure I'll just encase it in a plexiglass cube and start talking nonstop nonsense on how it's an early 19th century vintage ornament used by dukes and knights in England during wartime. Someone is bound to buy my story. Although, I am a bit worried they will recognize the base of the ornament from Target.....hmmmm....I still have to work out that little kink......
So as I said before in my other post I have been reading some kick ass books on staying postitive and focused on my journey. The one book I am loving right now is Crazy Sexy Cancer Survivor. She is so in a place that I want to be mentally. I keep her book on my night stand and just flip open a page to read and it gives me strength knowing she is surviving this too. One of the things I decided to do was to overhaul my diet so that I'm at the optimal health when I start chemo. So, I started reading her diet recommendations and realized that this might be a little bit harder than I anticipated. She is a raw food vegan who basically shuns everything unless it's a green oranically grown, locally produced vegetable. Oh boy, I'm already in trouble.
First on the list....No caffeine. Well, just shoot me in the head right now. No..really. Just do it. Ok. fine....I'll give up my beloved cup of morning coffee and drink tea.
Second.....no sugar. And that includes store bought fruit. Holy crap. Here I am feeling all good about myself because I just ate an orange instead of that pile of cookies and then I come to find out I'm screwed either way. Ugg....
Third......drink 36 oz of freshly juiced cucumbers, spinach, brocolli, bean sprouts, peas, and whatever else you can throw in there that is green. Hmmmmm....that's a lot of green stuff to down in one day. On one hand, I don't want to be on my death bed two years from now wishing that if "I had only drank the gross green stuff I would still be alive." But then on the other hand, I don't want to be on my death bed two years from now thinking "For the love of brocolli, I can not believe I spent the last two years of my life drinking that crap when I could have been eating a bowl of ice cream." It's a conundrum.....I'll have to think about this one.
I do have some other options though. I have a anti cancer book on order that I think lets you eat an egg and a banana. So I might end up going with that option.
Ok...I'm off to go with Cosme to pick up Carlos from school. I'm soooo excited to see everyone. Also, I wanted to let you know that in the next few weeks I'm going to be having some guest bloggers come on when I'm unable to blog. These will be some good friends who were told they could have free reign at it. So who knows you might get a whole expose on me. :)
Talk to you soon! Peace, Love and Blessing from Karin