of looking at organization. For instance, I'm the type of person who likes to put up the lighting fixtures and curtains before the drywall has even been installed. I don't understand why I need to finish organizing the shelves and removing loads of stuff off the counters before he installs the chandelier I want. And, does it really matter if the wall leaks before we install new flooring? I mean come on....how often does it rain in San Diego? So, needless to say, he has been hampering my progress on "Extreme Studio Makeover."
As usual, whenever I start a project of this magnitude, I expect to be finished by dinner and working in my newly organized, thoughtfully appointed, creativity inspired studio by dessert. And, as usual, it doesn't happen. First, it's because a certain husband refuses to move the bench press and chopsaw out of my way until he sees that I've organized the part of the garage to which I have access. Ugggg.....some people have no creative vision. Plus, he has to work all day. Double ugg.....
So, consequently, I am forced to do something I've never done before. I work in steps. I actually tell myself that not only is it not going to get done in one day.....that it may even take a week....or, God forbid, a month.
Suddenly I'm relieved. Instead of carrying the delusion of an impossible task on my shoulders the whole time I'm working and the inevitable feeling of failure because I'm not creating spectacular art by the end of the day, I go to bed satisfied that my Halloween supplies are sitting on a dusted and clean accessible shelf.
So here are my suggestions for easy and productive organization. You will need a couple things to get started. A piece of paper, pen and bag of chocolate.
Take pen and write on piece of paper that the only goal for the day is to clean off two shelves and move two boxes to those shelves.
Reward yourself for your initiative with a piece of chocolate.
Clean shelves and move boxes.
While sitting back and admiring all your hard work, savor another piece of chocolate.
Go back for third piece of chocolate since you moved two boxes.
Have a couple more pieces in just in case you go back for a third box.
Conclude that you don't want to stress yourself out with insurmountable goals on the first day and decide against moving third box.
Cross "move two boxes" off your to-do list and reward yourself with the bag of chocolate.
Revel in the fact you accomplished everything you set out to do and call it a day.
Hope this helps!