It was my friend Jeff, Gail's husband, who did my "craftin' good" mints. I should have known better. It had Jeff's handiwork written all over it. Oh, it's not that Gail couldn't come up with the concept. She would instead just call me to tell me of what she was going to do.... Here's the email she sent me.....
Karin, Jeff called. He saw the mints on Creative Chaos. Don't get distracted by that but read on cause here's the story.....
Gail: Jeff will you mail these mints to Karin?
Jeff: What mints?
Gail: These great Fanny Mae Mints we got from your brother Doug and Michelle at Christmas.
Jeff: I didn't know we got any mints.
Gail: Well they were stashed with stuff I was hiding from myself because I had already dove head first into the first load of candy we got.
Jeff: Wow I love these...
Gail: (grabbing mints away) Too late! I already promised them to Karin if she followed through and sent the stuff back to Julia.
Jeff: But it took forever...
Gail: Jeff, I have to accent the positive here. At least we got Julia's stuff back. Please just send them.
Later that same day. Split screen - Jeff and Gail on phones. On Gail's side we hear dog barking, loud guitar noises, 2 children fighting, Donna Summer circa 1970 as well as her putting away dishes and checking a math page as she speaks. On Jeff's side, we see him sitting behind an organized desk with a cup of coffee and a box of mints in his hands.
Jeff: Gail I have to tell you this funny thing I did with Karin's mints.
Gail: Uh huh (bark bark, "Mommmmm he wont give it to me", plunk plink, Mc Arthers park is melting in the dark) Sean give it to her! Sorry go ahead.
Jeff: I looked up Carol Duvall and I know who she is now...
Gail: Uh huh (bark bark, "Moommmmm I'm hungry", plink boing, all the sweet green icing flowing down)Stop! We are not eating anymore candy. I'm making something as soon as I figure it out. Sorry, go ahead.
Jeff: And I used up all of Judge Joe's ink to print up these pictures of her....
Gail: (ding dong) Hold on a minute (background muttering, heightened barking, "moommm I forgot to tell you something-I need to tell you now" I recall the yellow cotton dress flowing) Okay. Sorry, just the neighbor. One of her kids threw a doll in the toilet and she wanted to know if I had a plunger. Anyway go ahead pictures of carol.
Jeff: Yea it's great and it looks like Carol really makes the mints and this is the best part...
Gail: ("Moommmm I think buddy peed on the rug" PLINK PLONG BLING, old men playing chinese checkers by the trees) Sean turn down the amp on that thing! Let me get the wipes, where is it? Okay. Sorry honey what were you saying? I hope you didn't really use all the ink. I hope they don't track that type of thing...
Jeff: No, just listen it's great.....I wrote They're Craftin' Good! Isn't that great?
Gail: That's great honey-gotta go (Bark bark, PLING PLUNK, "mooommm someones at the door", I don't think that I can take it cause it took too long to bake it) Just send it okay.
Jeff: Okay bye.
Days later....Jeff on phone.
Jeff: Gail you have to check out Karin's site-she put my mints on her blog, but she thinks you did it.
Gail: Yay! I finally get credit for something!
So of course after I got the email with the run down, I called her to tell her she isn't getting credit for anything other than saving them from Jeff's stomach, and, I am giving Jeff full credit for the Craftin' Good mints.
Thanks Jeff!!