You finally get your craft room 90% cleaned and organized. While patting yourself on the back and thinking you're ten different levels of awesome........
you wander into the newly cleaned room with the sole purpose of retrieving a paperclip and potentially putting together the kits for a class on the now empty counter........
When at that exact moment, you spot all the new paper you just organized and simultaneously get a sudden urge to create that perfect little whatchamacallit........
However, on the way back to the table you then look at your shelf and see all the unfinished projects sitting there patiently waiting their turn......
You suddenly declare it's official "Finish What You Start Day" while pulling down all the half-done projects and piling them on your desk......
You get a couple things crossed off your list.....
But then in the middle of putting the crepe paper on the little tin cans, you spot this........
and think "Wow! That scrapbook paper looks just like the vintage wallpaper I have."
And then proceed to spend 10 minutes looking for said paper.....
Discovering that it opens up a whole new realm of creative possibilities, you see there is only one sheet, thereby, putting the all new realm on hold. You then turn back to finishing tin can projects; but not before you spot the little peat cups that Diane gave you a couple weeks ago.......
Telling yourself that Easter is going to come sooner than later, you immediately start painting them and coming up with the most amazing Easter ideas ever; but the paint is taking too long to dry for amazing ideas, so you turn to this tag and think "how fun would it be to copy my original collage design and make a bunch of tags...."
So you do it......
Realizing you have no idea what you are going to do with twenty of these tags, you turn your attention to........
the fact that you need to announce the winners for a giveaway that happened a month ago. You email everyone profusely apologizing for your lack of follow through making all sorts of promises of winners on tomorrow's post.
It's at this point you look at your desktop that just yesterday was virtually cleaned and organized...............
and wonder why you needed a paperclip in the first place.
Is it just me?
On to other news......We finally have a winner! The accounting team of "Mommy Tell Him To Leave Me Alone" were each asked to picked a number from 1 through 10. After many misfires and shout outs of the number one million, one hundred, Thomas the Train and "why can't I pick number 4,678. You told me to pick a number," we finally settled on choosing names from a hat. Without further ado, the winners are......
Ginger @ Glitter and Roses for the Easter Egg and Terri K @ The Gypsy Magpie for the earrings. I'll email you both!