Spent some time working on a couple more pages of the canvas journal. So far I have 5 sides and 3 pages done. I still have two more pages to do......well possibly two. I seemed to have misplaced the 5th page somewhere. I'm sure it's under a pile of scraps somewhere. I just need to look a little bit harder.
The weekend started off with a bang and a movie and ended with an ear infection. We went to see the Wimpy Kid Saturday. Carlos had read all the books and really wanted to see it. Going to the movies is a rare event in the chaos household. Mostly because I don't want to pay $30 to have to sit through 2 hours of a kid movie. I know...I'm a selfish mom. But when Wimpy Kid got a good review, I knew we were going to the movies to see it. I just made it seem like it was their idea thereby earning me a couple points in the awesome mom category.
Sunday morning found us with a crying 5 year old and a hurting ear. A call to urgent care and a prescription later we were all set. That is until I had to actually make him take the medicine. If only picking up the prescription were the cure. No. You have to make the child swallow the medicine...in his mouth....down his throat...into to his stomach. Not around his mouth....down his chin and shirt.....and onto the kitchen floor like we experienced. Finally after a bribe of chocolate milk with the antibiotic it seems that we were onto a medical miracle. Hopefully, it will last for another 10 days.
Talk to you soon! Karin