This is what it looked like 4 weeks ago when we planted the cucumbers......
and corn........
Basically it was nothing more than a bare patch of land planted with hopes and dreams of healthy summer alfresco dining.......The boys and I would go out every day and check on the progress of our little seedlings eagerly awaiting a sprout or two.....
And then this happened.......
Before everyone starts applauding me for my mad gardening skills, the lettuce and spinach were planted later from containers. And the two tomato plants were replaced entirely because the original ones died shortly after planting them. But.....the corn and the cucumber seedling are going crazy. The watermelon is taking its sweet old time. Andres wanted to plant carrots a few weeks ago, so those are just starting to sprout.
So what do you think? Is anyone else planting a garden this year? If so, how's it going? I know you Midwesterners have the best corn and tomatoes. I remember it from growing up in Michigan. The problem here in Southern California is the soil. Cosme built the raised bed and then we filled it with really good soil and fertilizer. I'm hoping this early growing spurt continues throughout the summer. to see if I can get some government subsidies for my farming efforts.....Talk to you soon! Karin