So between the delousing and fighting a losing battle with the local school lunch room (full story to come), I still had to come up with a class project for my girl's craft class that I hold at the boys' school.
First off the current state of affairs at my craft table......
The room is once again, despite cleaning it last week, another episode of hoarders. Threat level hoarders is assigned when I find myself stepping over boxes, bins, and bags that are just thrown on the floor with every intention to be put away "later." Later, however, never seems to arrive. Anyway, I needed to throw together a project for the girls with only two hours to spare.
I present to you the "My Family" scrapbook. It's only three pages so I just hoped that all of them were only children or had no interest in chronicling their siblings lives........
That's all I've got for the week. However, I have some class projects for Paper Tales that are almost finished.......Talk to you soon! Karin