I finally finished the cover of my Mother book that I'm teaching for Paper Tales. It was driving me nuts. But thanks to Randi, I got it done. Here's the current state of affairs on my desk.....
It's a wonder I got anything done due to the fact that I'm dealing with a 2nd round of lice. Uggggg.....This time screw the all natural route. Last week I was saying I don't want to put pesticides in my children's hair....blah, blah, blah......
Ha...Forget natural schmatual........I put a termite tent on their head. That should do it.
Since I know you didn't come to this blog to discuss childhood bug problems, here are some more pictures of the book.....
So, can we talk about that show Extreme Couponing?! I was watching it last night as I was bandaging my lymph arm. Holy mother of preparing for a nuclear war......The only thing separating that show from Hoarding is the precise organization of their "stockpile." Wow....so many issues...so little time. But I do have to ask.....exactly, why does the early bird needs 35 bottles of Maalox?....or 100 toothbrushes....or 75 boxes of Cap'n Crunch.....Ok, granted, I can see the reason for the Cap'n Crunch; but the other stuff....wow...
Ok, in other news.....
I started a Facebook page for Creative Chaos Studios. Why? I'm not quite sure. It did occur to me that it would be a good way to put all my art & craft stuff in one spot so I don't bombard everyone on my regular page. Right now as we speak, there are 27 people waiting for me to bring them margaritas, appletinis and fun little appetizers. I promised a fun party if they became a fan. I think they are starting to get restless and leave.....
Will you be my fan? Just think of the children........
Oh. Speaking of children. There finally was a resolution to the $83.00 lunchroom bill. Let's just say this......See that cute innocent face above. Well, he's capable of, as Sir Topham Hat likes to say, "Confusion and Delay." I'll have the whole story for you soon.....it's a real "who dunit" with enough twist and turns to make Stephan King look like a nursery rhyme author. Sigh.....