but I'll get to that tomorrow. Today I'm feeling a bit cranky. It was all spurred by this.........
As I was standing in line at the grocery store, out of the corner of my eye, I caught this headline "Inside the Final Days!" OMG...I had no idea they died! No one told me they were stranded in a coal mine with only a can of green beans to sustain them. I can only wonder what their "final days" were like....stranded in a cold dark mountain fighting for their last breath. Silently saying good bye to friends, family and the paparazzi....nooooo...Why them!!?? They're so young and beautiful!! And, although, I'm really not sure that they made any sustainable contribution to this world, it really doesn't matter when they are so young and beautiful! Whaaaaaa....life is so unfair!! Whaaaaaaa.....Why do the young, rich and beautiful always seem to die first.....Whaaaaaaa..................Oh...... Wait. They're not dead? "Final Days" refers to their divorce?
I seriously thought Demi Moore had died when I glaced at this cover. If it weren't for the $290 million price tag, this sounds exactly like what happened to my neighbors Bert and Madge Hinglesthorpe that live down the street. Except, instead of them being on the cover of a magazine, we all thought they were kind of nutso and stayed away from them.
Next up......Why does Costco insist on having food sample stations at the end of a congested aisleway during the week of a major food buying holiday. As I headed toward the produce and specialty food section hoping to snag a roasted chicken and some bananas, I happened upon a crunch of people standing by their huge carts surrounding the mini quiche sample stand like it was a russian soup kitchen in mid-century Bulgaria. Seriously people.....I love mini quiches as much as the next person. And, truth be told, I will eat more than my fair share at a party if I can get away with it. But come on....it's not like we are all stranded in Costco after an earthquake and it may be our last meal. Keep the aisleway moving. I will buy all of you a box of 72 mini quiches if you just promise to move this crowd scene to the parking lot.........
Black Friday. Sigh. Remember back when Thanksgiving used to be Thanksgiving? The family would gather around the table...eat until they couldn't move, roll themselves in front of the tv and then sit there with a plate of pumpkin pie perched on their belly until it was time for bed.
And, Black Friday was just that. An event that started on Friday. Early, early in the morning around 7:00 am....sometimes even 6:00 am for those wild and crazy people looking for $20 televisions and free walkmans. Those were the days.
Now it appears Black Friday starts somewhere in the vicinity of the week before Thanksgiving and Fourth of July. Shoppers are now being encouraged to grab a deli meat turkey sandwich and head for the malls. Why get up at six in the morning when you can camp out in a cold parking lot on a Tuesday night for really great deals. Sigh...... To Thanksgiving: I love you and I will never, ever leave you and your delicious sweet potatoes. Never. You can count on me to sit there on the couch eating an entire pumkin pie in your honor. And, lots of rolls with lots butter. Oh, and tons of stuffing. I love stuffing. And, in your honor, I will sleep in until 10:00 am the next morning just for you. Maybe even 11:00 am. Thant's how much I cherish you. Love and Kisses with all my heart and stomach, Karin
Talk to you soon! Karin